

2021年08月18日 10:11  点击:[]

根据《河北美术学院外国留学生学籍管理规定》第八章第二十七条,留学生休学期满前一个月,需向学校提出复学申请,经学校审核同意后,方可复学。休学期满后两周内不办理复学手续的学生视为自动退学。Foreign students should submit their application for returning to the university one month before their suspension expires. After being approved, they can return to the university. Those who do not apply for reinstatement in two weeks after the suspension expiration would be regarded as abandonment of their status.

请休学学生于2021年9月15日前提交《复学申请表》至辅导员处。否则将视为自动退学。Students on suspension are requested to submit the "Resume Application Form" to the counselor before September 15,2021. Otherwise, it would be regarded as abandonment of their status.

上一条:国际教育学院2021年评选结果推荐名单 下一条:催缴费通知
